
They're Here!

Oh glorious day!  The shoes arrived!  I'll debut them tonight at the Mom's Night In.  I know it's just cheap wine and a girly movie in someone's living room, but it's a start.  One step closer to freedom from a bleak future with the ranks of the reasonably shod...  


Anonymous said...


This post just showed up in my feed reader today. Hmmm. I hope your Girls Night In was a lot of fun, and that the shoes meet your expectations!

Chelsea said...

Wonder why it showed up so late in the feed? Girls night was great. As always we rented a movie that we never ended up watching because the conversation was too good. Not to mention the wine, and chips and salsa, and cherries, and chocolate...

The shoes are awesome! I am really looking now to create further opportunities for wearing them. Heard of a club with drop in salsa lessons. Hmmmm....