Sanjay- I don't know what to say! You've been outgoogled. Finding you online is the proverbial needle in they haystack because a certain famous someone has got your name.
Here you are in the car on our trip to SF a few years back. A group of us went up to participate in the UN's World Environment Day International Student/Youth Forum. It was so cool to be a participant in a workshop facilitated by you. I love role reversals!
You were a star at PR, shameless with a video camera or onstage with a bullhorn. Our Healthy Foods and Recycling Campaigns were so successful because of your creative and tireless promotion. Oh how I wish I had one of those VHS to laptop converters so I could share your recycling videos with the world. But you are safely protected from embarrassment by old school tech. Actually, I know a place that could convert it for me...hmmm...
What has the infamous San-man been up to since then? I wish I knew.
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